Fireworks - Mortar Racks


2011 Fireworks

Mortar Racks

Firing Panel

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When it comes to firing reloadables, the biggest complaint
I hear is that it gets boring loading one shell at a time into the
tube.  If you order more than one or two reloadable kits it
would probably be worth your while to have a mortar rack.

A rack will allow you to shoot as many reloadables as you
want.  Simply attach a length of fuse (available in supplies)
to the reloadables you want to fire.  Load the reloadables
in your rack, light the one main fuse and it'll take care of
lighting everything else.

I use my racks exclusively for all my reloadables.  Right now I
have racks totaling over 1000 mortars.  If you need help building
a rack I can certainly help you. 

Here are some pictures of my racks, how to build and fuse racks.


Last Updated - 03/05/2012
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