Roman Candles



200 Gram Cakes

500 Gram Cakes


Big Bore Cakes


Parachute / Day

Roman Candles


Small Items



Mortar Racks

Firing Panel

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What else is there to say about roman candles?


Name Candles
Description Video

Crackling Candle
1/10 Each candle has 10 crackling pearls with tails. Video

Raging Rhino
8/5 This great package of four 2 candle pairs provides quantity and variety in a high quality large bore candle. Effects differ between these color coded candles and include a variety of breaking inserts with color candle ball tails, and the candles are wrapped around a spiked launch tube that is provided with each set. Stand back, this Rhino will charge! Video
Salute Candle
4/5 4 roman candles with 5 shots.  Video seems to suggest a salute type break. Video

Last Updated - 02/28/2016
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